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Article Submission

Guidelines & Process


We are currently looking for submissions.

If you are interested please directly contact the Journal Manager in advance:

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Formal Requirements

  • Article length: 3,000 to 5,000 words; abstract: 100 words.
  • Use only one level of headings.
  • Add margin notes and line numbers to your manuscript: The main points of your article should also appear as notes in the margins of the publication (see sample articles). Please choose these notes and include them as normal text just above the relevant part of the text, in bold type and within brackets, and with a note stating that they are margin notes, in order to assist with the later formatting, e.g. [margin note: top down processes at work].
  • Submit your documents as .doc or .docx files.
  • Submit your article in two separate documents: manuscript document and cover page.
  • Manuscript document with title, the abstract, and the article.
  • Cover page with title, abstract, five keywords, authors’ names and addresses, email addresses, and short biography.
  • Send portrait pictures of all authors and figures you want to include in your article separately as JPG files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
  • Include tables in the same text document as your manuscript.



  • Please submit your article in English.
  • Avoid contractions.
  • Use inclusive and gender-neutral language.


Possible Tools

  • You may use text boxes, figures and/or illustrations, tables, and/or summary of main points to underline the practical, hands-on approach of your manuscript.


Citations & References

  • Please provide a coherent and functional reference system.
  • Please format your citations and references according to APA Style 7th edition.
  • Insert the date you last accessed the online references: “All electronic sources were correct on 14 October 2020.”


Manuscript Submission

  • Please submit your manuscript and any other relevant document/file via Manuscript Manager.
  • Make sure that the article document is properly anonymised and that any personal information is invisible to reviewers.
  • Please note that when you submit a manuscript to Internationalisation of Higher Education – Policy and Practice, along with the requested author information, Franz Steiner Academic Publishers will save the information to be able to contact you during the review and production processes and in the future. By submitting a manuscript, you thus consent that the submitted information will be stored by Franz Steiner Academic Publishers. It will never be sold or shared with third parties.

Sample Articles





a55a90d4708e4c4fab853c288e1afa560ee18a1e.jpgAuthor guidelines for download.


Peer Review Process

To ensure high quality of academic content, we introduced a double-blind peer review process in 2020. Every article submitted to the Journal will be reviewed in that way on the platform Manuscript Manager.

The Product Manager formally checks every manuscript before assigning it to an Editorial Board Member (‘responsible Editor’) who then evaluates the article before the peer review process starts. Manuscripts can be rejected at this point, most particularly if they do not fit the scope of the Journal.

After a positive evaluation, the responsible Editor appoints two Peer Reviewers by use of keywords and/or areas of expertise the Reviewers have indicated in their profiles. The Reviewers have four weeks to prepare a detailed review and submit it to the responsible Editor. Once the feedback is provided by the Reviewers, the Editor shares the result of the review process with the Authors. The result can be ‘Accept’, ‘Revise – minor revisions’, ‘Revise – major revisions’, or ‘Reject’. At this point of the review process, a professional language editing may be recommended. The organisation lies within the responsibility of the Authors.

Authors prepare a revised version of their manuscript within four (‘Minor revisions’) to six weeks (‘Major revisions’) and resubmit it on Manuscript Manager. A second revision by the responsible Editor follows and an email that informs the Authors about the final decision to accept or reject the article for publication. (If necessary, Peer Reviewers will be asked to review the article a second time and/or another Member of the Editorial Board is consulted.)

Review Criteria:

  • relevance of the article for internationalisation of higher education;
  • article offers useful advice for practitioners and/or policymakers;
  • article is well structured and findings/concepts are clearly presented;
  • article is analytical as well as descriptive and well written;
  • article is situated within the relevant literature (if applicable for the paper);
  • relevance of the article beyond the country/countries of the author(s);
  • general strengths and weaknesses of the paper.


Production Process

If the article is accepted, the Product Manager takes over and proofreads the article before sending it back to the Authors for one last revision. Authors are then required to submit a revised and final version of their manuscript which is subsequently prepared for publishing by the Product Manager (i.e. layout, last check).



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